
Theme: Constructivism deconstructed.

The ideology of constructivism, came up with influences of Italian Futurism, Cubism and French, not only in art but a whole mindset, based primarily on futuristic manifesto.Constructivism is part of the so-called Russian Revolution, where other modernist movements also opposed the art "common" and of course, occur precisely between 1913 to 1930, with an emphasis on geometry, and asymmetry in architecture and a new "think" what is imposed by a society petrified.This current was facing reorganization of matter and Futurism is pursuing this new way of expression. Constructivism, it brings to art, technology and architecture.The way the basis of their characteristics and use of space with content, alludes to the environment full of nothing, ie, attempts to bring "something" more to a physical space with simple forms seem basic but structured and thoughtful, while the art by they called art brings morbid images and sculptures filled with images and full of nothing and sameness. And most part of the industrialization and bringing that innovation to the art and architecture.Can be defined with the following quote:
"Aesthetic doctrine formulated to counter the mass of traditional sculpture, a sculpture of" empty "surrounded by the arrangement of lines and planes""It can be argued that constructivism is one of the main trends of the line of a useful art. To interpret this "utility" is sufficient to note certain characteristics constructivist: the pursuit of technical engineering, the use of new materials, the tendency for the architecture and design, the choice of collective activity as opposed to individualism, the idea of ​​building objects perceived as synthesis, overcoming the limits of architecture, sculpture and painting, among others. "
Constructivism is broad and controversial artists within the movement itself is divided on the actual functionality of constructivism on the one hand believed that art should go with the mass, that art walks along the revolution, and secondly the idea of ​​art non-figurative without ideology. But the vastness of the details surrounding the subject is comprehensive in all areas to an influential avant-garde society.The central idea of ​​this project is exactly as the title says, the deconstruction of constructivism, or get the key points that make my understanding of the subject, since the characteristics of a philosophical side of the movement is the search for understanding of individual being as the truth for themselves. I look a little bit of each of the paradox of constructivism, as examples, the geometry, the use of lines, the architecture, the Russian stiffness, the differentiation of modernity has seen the use of new materials etc ...

The photos of completed research can be seen on the homepage .. = P


After a certain time without writing and sharing my ideas, here's me back!

No, I left my dear blog, I have this habit of doing, but that's not! I will cultivate it.

Now to talk about the brand Zeferino Sheila, that's right my name my label ... There'smore creativity than putting his name on the mark, yes it's true ... making up names is not my forte then joins business with pleasure, more marketing name two things in one.

Now participating in the project M.A.R. (Moda Autoral Rio) where is theinnovation to Rio fashion, perhaps nationwide or worldwide come (hopefully) lol. Thebrand brings different ideas proposed to male tastes, no torn jeans, or wash, or blabla bla ... My idea is to bring a bit of freedom without rules established for trend, because face it is a trend bag. The attitude is that to innovate in this fashion. That is, the idea pa pum puts into practice. Without even worrying if my collection will havejeans or not.

The collection already had the first kickoff, making research and idealisation. The launch is coming, and pictures to the lookbook, made ​​yesterday.

Soon more on ...

PS: Other brands are also part of M.A.R. ... Degang + K. Valo, Lorena Sender andHedva Megged.

Just a little  ... But the opening of the Sheila Zeferino as started.

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